There are countless and different ways in which you may find yourself facing a potential attacker. Learning only one or two techniques for defending yourself often isn’t enough, and you need to be prepared to handle as many different self-defense scenarios as possible. Here are several tips that can be applied in many situations to defend yourself. If you really want to ensure you’re prepared for any scenario, take self-defense classes in NYC so that you can practice putting some of these techniques in action.
De-escalate the Situation
There is no self-defense technique more effective than one that can get you out of a confrontation before it even begins. Whenever possible, preventing the fight is the absolute best option. So, if you can see that someone is approaching you aggressively or if an argument is quickly escalating, your first course of action should be to de-escalate the situation and escape.
Take a step back and hold out a hand to signal to the person that they should stop approaching. Speak in a calm but clear voice and ask the person to step away from you. While doing this, scan your area for the nearest exit points. Whether or not the other person backs off, you will want a quick escape route from the situation.
Aim for Weak Spots
If the scenario can’t be de-escalated or quickly escaped from without a confrontation, then it’s important that you try to neutralize your opponent as quickly and effectively as possible. This means knowing the weakest points on a person’s body, as well as the most effective ways that you can strike those weak points.
Typically, you want to aim for the groin, eyes, or the side of the knee to quickly incapacitate an attacker. Remember, there are no rules in a self-defense scenario, aside from ending the fight as quickly as you can, so don’t hesitate to fight dirty. You also should learn the most effective parts of your body to use for these strikes. While feet and fists may be what you use reflexively, you can also utilize your elbows and knees with incredible and brutal accuracy.
Armed Opponents
Fighting back against an armed opponent is a very different scenario from facing an unarmed one. You’re at a serious and potentially deadly disadvantage. If you must face an opponent with a knife, your first goal should be to maintain your distance while fighting back. Use kicks to keep your attacker a fair distance from you so that they cannot make effective use of their weapon. If you can find something like a pool cue or rock to use as a longer-range weapon, do so.
When facing an opponent with a firearm, you must be able to quickly and effectively disarm the individual. Slapping your hand on the barrel of the gun can cause a handgun to jam, giving you an opportunity to incapacitate the individual.
In these scenarios, it is always best to try to escape the situation, unless you’re extremely experienced with facing armed attackers.
Multiple Attackers
Being attacked by multiple attackers is an extremely dangerous and frightening scenario. Again, your first goal here should be to escape the situation as quickly as possible. If necessary, incapacitate the nearest opponents with quick, effective strikes, then flee any remaining adversaries. Trying to grapple or staying in the scenario to try to take down all of your attackers will likely end with you being overwhelmed.
If you truly want to learn how to defend yourself in multiple scenarios, contact the Krav Maga Institute and sign up for some of the best self-defense classes in NYC.